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Loss functions used by the feature learning algorithms.

The getML Python API contains two different loss functions. We recommend using SQUARELOSS for regression problems and CROSSENTROPYLOSS for classification problems.

Please note that these loss functions will only be used by the feature learning algorithms and not by the predictors.

CrossEntropyLossType module-attribute

CrossEntropyLossType = Literal['CrossEntropyLoss']

Type of the cross entropy loss function.

CROSSENTROPYLOSS module-attribute

CROSSENTROPYLOSS: Final[CrossEntropyLossType] = (

The cross entropy between two probability distributions \(p(x)\) and \(q(x)\) is a combination of the information contained in \(p(x)\) and the additional information stored in \(q(x)\) with respect to \(p(x)\). In technical terms: it is the entropy of \(p(x)\) plus the Kullback-Leibler divergence - a distance in probability space - from \(q(x)\) to \(p(x)\).

\[ H(p,q) = H(p) + D_{KL}(p||q) \]

For discrete probability distributions the cross entropy loss can be calculated by

\[ H(p,q) = - \sum_{x \in X} p(x) \log q(x) \]

and for continuous probability distributions by

\[ H(p,q) = - \int_{X} p(x) \log q(x) dx \]

with \(X\) being the support of the samples and \(p(x)\) and \(q(x)\) being two discrete or continuous probability distributions over \(X\).


Recommended loss function for classification problems.

SquareLossType module-attribute

SquareLossType = Literal['SquareLoss']

Type of the square loss function.

SQUARELOSS module-attribute

SQUARELOSS: Final[SquareLossType] = 'SquareLoss'

The Square loss (aka mean squared error (MSE)) measures the loss by calculating the average of all squared deviations of the predictions \(\hat{y}\) from the observed (given) outcomes \(y\). Depending on the context this measure is also known as mean squared error (MSE) or mean squared deviation (MSD).

\[ L(y,\hat{y}) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} (y_i -\hat{y}_i)^2 \]

with \(n\) being the number of samples, \(y\) the observed outcome, and \(\hat{y}\) the estimate.


Recommended loss function for regression problems.