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Build Engine & API

Because getML is complex software, we use Docker for our build environment. If you want to compile our Community edition from source, you can start with cloning its repository:

git clone

We provide a set of wrappers to ease local development. They are located inside the bin directory of the repository. You can use them with the getml command and the build subcommand:


    getml <subcommand> [options]

    build   Build utilities
    help    Show help (this message)

    -h      Show help (this message)

Subcommand build

The build subcommand is the entry point for building getML from source. For details about the build process, see Directly Interacting with Bake below.

getml build wrapper

  build <subcommand> [options]

  [a]ll       Build all (whole package, [p]ackage + [py]thon API + tar+gz [ar]chive)
  [c]li       Build CLI
  [e]ngine    Build Engine
  [p]ackage   Export runnable [e]ngine + [c]li package
  [py]thon    Package Python API
  [ar]chive   Create tar.gz archive of [p]ackage

  -b <args>   Specify build args (-b KEY=VALUE); passed to docker build
  -h          Show help (this message)
  -o <path>   Set output path (default: build); passed to docker build

Most of the time you probably want to build the (C++) Engine:

./bin/getml build engine

If you are calling getml build package, all build artifacts will be packaged inside the specified output folder. With archive, a compressed tarball (getml-<version>-<arch>-linux.tar.gz) will be created inside the folder.

Build options

-b <args>: Build args

These are build arguments passed to docker build. Build args can be provided as key-value pairs. The following build args are supported:

  • VERSION: the build version (default: the version specified in the VERSION file, present in the root of getml community repository)
  • NJOBS: the number of threads to use for each compilation step

-h: Show help

Show the help screen

-o <path>: Output folder

The output folder used by Docker's export backend

Directly Interacting with Bake

The build pipeline is based on multi-stage Docker builds. There are two Dockerfiles:

  • One for CLI, wheel, and packaging located in the repository's root: ./Dockerfile
  • One related to the Engine and its dependencies located in the repository's src/engine subfolder: ./src/engine/Dockerfile

As the second Dockerfile is a dependency for the first, we use bake to orchestrate the builds. The bake file (./docker-bake.hcl) holds definitions for all build targets and ensures the appropriate build contexts are set.

If you want to interact with Docker directly, you can do so by calling docker buildx bake:

VERSION=1.5.0 docker buildx bake engine

If you want to override build-args, you can do so per build stage via bake's --set overrides:

docker buildx bake engine --set engine.args.VERSION=1.5.0

This way, you can also override some of a target's default attributes:

docker buildx bake engine --set engine.output=out